ベルヌ条約の第18条2項が紛争処理手続を規定しており、交渉等により紛争が処理されなかったことを条件とする仲裁付託を次のような文言で認めています。欧州評議会がdepositaryであることあってか、仲裁人選任のappointing authorityとしては欧州人権裁判所の所長が指定されています。
Any dispute between Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which has not been settled on the basis of the provisions of the preceding paragraph or by negotiation between the parties concerned shall, unless the said parties agree otherwise, be submitted, at the request of one of them, to arbitration. Each party shall designate an arbitrator and the two arbitrators shall designate a third arbitrator. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, if one of the parties has not designated its arbitrator within the three months following the request for arbitration, he shall be designated at the request of the other party by the President of the European Court of Human Rights within a further three months' period. The same procedure shall be observed if the arbitrators cannot agree on the choice of the third arbitrator within the three months following the designation of the two first arbitrators.